Welcome to
the Living Page
show me what's new!)
Official Wendy Carlos Online
Information Source
Wendy Carlos is
one of the most important composers
living today. While primarily connected
to the fields of electronic music, sound
design, and alternate tunings, her
compositions transcend these genres. It
is certain that her music will be
included among the major milestones of
20th century music.
Note: Due
to major shifts in the music
business, we lost our ESD distribution,
leaving us stranded with few good
options. Time for updating this
website became severely
limited. We expect to have news on
Wendy's albums, plus regular website
additions ASAP. Thank you for your
many concerned inquiries and
patience, good friends.
Discography --
(CDs: new
and remasters, get info, listen, buy.)
 Disc Notes --
(Answers to
questions about new and old albums.)
  News and
Old News
-- (What's up,
releases, new projects, etc.)
-- (Piracy notices,
unauthorized sales information.)
-- (A personal
photo essay on the attacks of 9/11/01)
Photo Archive --
(The studio,
historical, personal, & wendy pix.)
 Wendy's Artwork
-- (Drawings,
photos, whimsy, computer graphics.)
  Solar Eclipses --
(Some of the
finest eclipse images anywhere.)
   Map Making --
(A look into
maps, projections, with examples.)
    Experiments in
Color -- (How do we really see in color?)
Resources --
(Free Downloads
-- files, articles, music, wit, MIDI,
 Biography --
(A brief
biographical sketch, and related info.)
  Write Wendy --
Wendy's Open Letters -- wi replies
to yours.)
   Metapage --
(A page about
this page, interesting background
    Surround Sound --
(An insider's
guide to Quad thru 7.2 surround.)
WurliTzer II --
(A virtual
tour of Wendy's custom hybrid
 On Bob Moog --
(May 23, 1934 - August 21,
2005, R.I.P.)
  PDF Files --
(NEW addition to Resource page,
magazine interviews...+)
   What's New? --
(Check here first to find the
latest additions.)
Bogus "Bio" Alert
Please be aware
there’s a purported “Biography” on me just
released. It belongs on the fiction
shelf. No one ever interviewed me, nor
anyone I know. There's zero fact-checking.
Don’t recognize myself anywhere in
there—weird. Sloppy, dull and dubious,
it's hardly an objective academic study as
it pretends to be.
This slim, mean-sprited
volume is based on several false
premises. All of it is speculation taken
out of context. The key sources are
other people’s write-ups of interviews
done for magazine articles. There’s
simply no way to know what’s true or
not—nothing is first-hand.
The book is
presumptuous. Pathetically, it accepts
as “factual” a grab-bag of online urban
legends, including anonymous axes to
grind. The author imputes things she
doesn’t understand, misses the real
reasons for what was done or not done.
She’s in way over her head, outside any
areas of expertise, and even defames my
dear deceased parents—shame!
Well, now you know,
and have the victim's honest
reactions. Wish there were more one
could do about needless personal
attacks, but we have to understand how
essential freedom of speech is, even
when it permits such abuse. Have dealt
with stereotyping most of my life, a
pretty tough hide by now. But aren’t
there new, more interesting targets?
Unless you consider
“academic” books a form of contact
sport, you really might want to
reconsider your time and money. —Wendy
Carlos, August 2020.
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